How and where to Buy or Sell your Website or App

March 10, 2016 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ Business,Monitize,Revenue,StartUp

Though it may sound strange but can be an obvious thing to do. You have worked hard to create a website or an online empire. But the need of the hour is to offload one or all of the business. Sometimes a person has worked too hard to make a website but is unable to maintain it probably due to lack of time or wants to focus on other business/websites. This can also be a good opportunity to grab this online property from him. Generally it comes at a cheap price. 

Also, if you have a website or a few of them, and you have found yourselves too busy or want to focus on few websites or want to concentrate on family or job or your hobby why to stop the website? Just sell it! This is an fantastic case of win win situation for all.

Moreover if you are a web developer, you can make multiple websites and put them on sale! Many web developers are earning a good income with this strategy. Here is our list of top websites where you can trade your websites:-



This is without doubt the bigdaddy of the websites, apps and domains trading. The site is a fantastic opportunity for those looking to invest or trade websites.  At the time of writing it had over 8000 websites, 1.5 million domains and over 700 apps for sale !  From the starter sites to well established ones, Flippa offers it all. So if your budget is $50 or looking for a established website worth 5 million, you can find something for yourself.    


Sedo :-

The site claim that it has over 7 million domains for sale! Do we need to say anything more? Sedo is the largest domains aftermarket website and provides varied ways to Buy or Sell domains. There are Auctions, Make offers, Premium listings etc. In addition to the above, the website also has a provision to monetize the unused domains, which can be a good (at least a little) source of income.   






This is relatively new kid on the block (compared to the previous two) but it is already rocking. Well, don’t blame us, the site itself claims to be “A Rockstar Platform to Buy and Sell Websites“. Hailing from the house of one of the most famous freelancing websites, this website is promising. 

